Recent content by BobClay

  1. BobClay

    Nostalgia - What are your memories of Stafford?

    Market Square 1978.
  2. BobClay


    I was first introduced to a main frame on a control engineering course at Southampton College of Technology in 1975. We were given the task of writing a small computer program for a proportional band calculation. You would write out your code than the staff would prepare the cards and feed...
  3. BobClay


    No good will come of it. Physics is unforgiving. :eek:
  4. BobClay


    👍 Of course back in the day I could always talk to somebody on the other side of the world on a Morse Key, and explain my conspiracy theories to them. e.g. There's giant alien spaceship hiding in the asteroid belt and beaming an insanity beam at the Earth. You want proof ? ... watch the news.
  5. BobClay


    All this reminds me of a lesson I learned many years ago. 'Don't piss over the weather side of the ship.'
  6. BobClay

    Does anyone know..?......Just ask a question.

    Purely added for interest my pix was taken from an old Stafford Handbook I have, published in 1906, so the the photo predates that year.
  7. BobClay

    Does anyone know..?......Just ask a question.

    I don't know if this is the same laundry ... I'm not even sure where North Street is .... :eek:
  8. BobClay

    Nostalgia - What are your memories of Stafford?

    Bee Boppa Doo Bop .... :P (of course Midland Red was in its infancy back then .... ) :keke:
  9. BobClay

    What are you listening to right now?

    I'm sure there are a few of us who remember playing one of these things at school. Seemed such a simple instrument. But you get someone who can play it, and some film music from the likes of James Horner ... well ... that's very pleasing to the old lugholes.
  10. BobClay

    Give us a joke... go on it might be funny :)

    Somehow the phrase: 'I was abducted by Zenomorphs for strange sexual experiments' just doesn't have the same ring to it. :P
  11. BobClay

    New Conservative Leader / Prime Minister.

    Where's GORT when you need him ..... ? :eek:
  12. BobClay


    You do have to wonder how the cabinet meet in the that room in Nr 10. The stink of corruption in there must be rank !!! :urgh:
  13. BobClay

    Does anyone need help?

    Been in Barnstaple Hospital for a few days having 4 units of blood dripped into me after chemo-complications. So not really firing on all cylinders. :(